BCYC Immersion Conference Info and Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do we eat?


Where will I stay?

All participants will be housed in single sex college dorms. 所有的床上用品都是提供的,但许多学生选择带一个额外的枕头或毯子以防万一. The dorms can be particularly cold at night.

What should I pack?

What if I’m flying in?

Many of our participants come from quite a distance! 我们位于距离堪萨斯城国际机场(MCI) 40分钟路程的地方,并为我们的会议提供免费往返机场的班车服务. If you plan to use our shuttle service, 请确保在会议第一天前至少两周填写好航班信息表! 如果您没有提前至少两周填写航班信息表,我们可能无法为您提供您选择的班车,您可能需要等待当天的最后一班班车.  The first shuttle pickup will begin at 11 a.m.

Please ensure your flight arrives no later than 3:30 p.m. so that you have enough time to get outside to be picked up by the shuttle.

班车将在会议的最后一天从本尼迪克特出发,于下午1:30返回机场.m. Please make sure your flight does not depart before 4:00 p.m. so that you have adequate time to get to your gate.

我们只能为那些飞到机场的学生提供班车服务. We cannot transport parents in the shuttle. 我们也不能接那些被送到机场而不是学校的学生. If you are driving in you will need to be dropped off on campus.

When and Where is Check-in?

Check-in is from 3-5 p.m. on the Sunday that camp begins.  BCYC传教士将在校园外的车道上引导车辆前往我们的登记地点.

Do you accept roommate requests?

Yes, we do! On your detailed registration form, which you will receive after you register for BCYC, there is a place for you to request a roommate. There are sometimes large groups of students who all request one another. 我们尽最大努力尊重所有室友的要求,但不能保证所有的要求都会得到满足. 所有室友申请必须在会议开始前至少一个月提交. After that point we cannot accept roommate requests.

Who should I call in case of emergency?

我们的工作人员将在所有会议期间24小时待命,回答任何问题并处理紧急情况. 如果您因任何原因需要随时与BCYO工作人员联系,请拨打(913)360 -7406.

What do I do if I have a food allergy?

If you have any dietary restrictions, 请务必在您的详细登记表的“过敏”部分列出它们. 如果你已填妥此表格,并有新的饮食限制或忘记列出, please e-mail us at youthoutreach@azarnewsonline.com to let us know so that we can update your information.

What is the weather like and how should I dress?

Kansas is warm during the summer. It is hot during the day and pleasant at night and in the mornings. 一些建筑可能会很冷,所以请准备一件毛衣或夹克. Please dress in modest, comfortable clothing. 我们希望所有的短裤在任何时候都要比t恤或运动衫长, that no midriffs are showing, 所有背心的肩带至少有三指宽. 请不要穿低胸上衣、迷你裙、超短裤或吊带衫. 如果你穿得不合适,其中一个传教士会私下把你拉到一边,让你相应地调整你的衣服.

What if I need to arrive to BCYC late or leave early?

我们理解家长们在他们的青少年在校期间把他们托付给我们,我们非常认真地对待这一责任. For the safety and security of the conference and our ability to run smoothly, please do not plan on arriving late or leaving early to BCYC! 当一个学生早退时,会对他的室友、小组和同学产生连锁反应. We want every student who attends BCYC to have the best week possible.

If an unavoidable circumstance arises please contact Patricia Oliver,青年外展协调员,讨论冲突,并作出必要的安排. 在任何情况下,家长都不应该在没有与我们联系的情况下提前从BCYC接孩子!

Can I leave for a sports practice, lunch with a family member, or another conflict and then return to BCYC?

不行,你不能因为任何原因离开学校,然后在这周剩下的时间里回来. 我们非常重视会议的安全和保障,不允许与会者在一周内来去自如. We understand that teens today are very busy with sports camps, may have family visiting, or may be involved in other summer programs. 当你决定哪周参加BCYC时,请记住你的其他承诺.

如果有一个情有可原的情况,需要你的孩子离开,然后再回到项目,请联系 Patricia Oliver, 青年外展协调员,讨论冲突并作出必要的安排. 在任何情况下,家长都不应该在没有与我们联系的情况下从BCYC接孩子! 如果你没有先太阳城官网就接你的学生,我们会要求你的学生在剩下的课程中不要回来.

Who supervises the teens?

您的孩子将在我们训练有素的夏季传教士的照顾和监督下. This includes our Coordinator of Youth Outreach, Chaplain, 还有一群本笃会的大学生,他们在夏天担任BCYC传教士. These Missionaries will supervise students in the dorms, during classes, and during all activities at BCYC.

What if my plans change after I have registered?

If your plans change after you register, 首先,我们会鼓励你看看另一个浸入式课程是否适合你的暑期计划. 在会议开始前两周,如果房间允许,您可以切换轨道或会话. 我们理解,有时您将无法参加任何浸入式课程. 如果是这种情况,150美元的押金是不退还的,一旦你注册了沉浸. The remaining amount is refundable up to 30 days before Immersion begins. 在会议结束后30天内,由于供应问题,已支付的费用不予退还, staffing, and meal expenses. Exceptions to these rules can be made in extenuating circumstances, please contact us if your plans have changed.

Can I bring my phone or computer?

我们确实允许学生把手机带到BCYC,但是我们要求他们把手机放在一边. 我们不应该在上课、祈祷、演讲或活动时看到他们的手机. If a student’s phone becomes a problem during any of these times, they are causing the teen to isolate themselves during meals, 或者他们不能恰当地、负责任地使用手机,那么在这周剩下的时间里,传教士会没收他们的手机,并锁在我们的办公室里. 我们会让家长知道手机被拿走了,如果家长觉得有必要,我们会安排机会让孩子给家里打电话.

Some tracks require a student to bring their laptop. If your track requires a laptop we will let you know! 如果你没有被要求带笔记本电脑上课,我们建议你把它留在家里.