Title IX – What Constitutes Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Dating and Domestic Violence, and Stalking?

Definition of Sexual Harassment

Sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, physical, or visual conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when:

  • Submission to such conduct is made or threatened to be made, either explicitly or implicitly, a term or condition of an individual’s employment or education
  • 一个人对这种行为的服从或拒绝被用作或威胁被用作影响该个人的学术或就业决定的基础, or
  • 这种行为的目的或效果是严重干扰个人的学术或专业表现,或造成一个理性的人会认为是恐吓, hostile, or offensive employment, education, or living environment

Examples of Sexual Harassment

Some examples of sexual harassment include:

  • Pressure for a dating, romantic, or intimate relationship
  • Unwelcome touching, kissing, hugging, or massaging
  • Pressure for sexual activity
  • Unnecessary references to parts of the body
  • Sexual innuendos or sexual humor
  • Obscene gestures
  • Sexual graffiti, pictures, or posters
  • Sexually explicit profanity
  • Asking about, or telling about, sexual fantasies
  • E-mail and Internet use that violates this policy
  • Sexual violence/assault (as defined below)

Further examples of sexual harassment may be found in the Frequently Asked Questions.

Sexual Violence/Assault

The Definition of Sexual Violence/Assault

Sexual violence/assault is a form of prohibited sexual harassment. 性暴力/攻击包括违背个人意愿,或由于暂时或永久的精神或身体丧失行为能力,或由于年轻而无法给予同意的身体上的性行为.

Examples of Sexual Violence/Assault

Some examples of sexual violence/assault include:

  • 男人或女人在未经同意的情况下对男人或女人进行的性交(肛交、口交或阴道性交
  • Unwilling sexual penetration (anal, vaginal, or oral) with any object or body part that is committed by force, threat, or intimidation
  • 性接触:未经同意,男人或女人对另一个男人或女人对物体或身体部位的性接触
  • Sexual touching with an object or body part, by a man or woman upon a man or woman, committed by force, threat, or intimidation
  • Prostituting another student
  • Non-consensual video or audio-taping of sexual activity
  • Knowingly transmitting a sexually transmitted disease to another

Further examples of sexual violence/assault may be found in the Frequently Asked Questions.

Definition of Consent

在确定是否发生性暴力/性侵犯时,缺乏同意是一个关键因素. Consent is informed, freely given, and mutually understood. Consent requires an affirmative act or statement by each participant. Consent is not passive.

  • If coercion, intimidation, threats, and/or physical force are used, there is no consent.
  • 如果一个人在精神上或身体上丧失行为能力,或因酒精或药物而受损,以致无法理解事实, nature, or extent of the sexual situation, there is no consent.
  • If a person is asleep or unconscious, there is no consent.
  • 同意一种形式的性活动并不意味着同意其他形式的性活动.
  • Consent can be withdrawn. 最初同意性行为的人在撤回同意后被视为不同意任何性行为.

Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking

The crimes of Domestic Violence, 约会暴力和跟踪也可以构成性骚扰,如果动机是一个人的性别. These crimes, no matter the motivation behind them, are a violation of this policy.

Domestic Violence

Kan. Stat. Ann. § 21-511 provides the following:

“家庭暴力”是指对有关系或者曾经有关系的人实施暴力或者暴力威胁的行为, 或家庭或家庭成员对家庭或家庭成员的暴力行为或威胁行为. 家庭暴力还包括对人或对财产犯下的任何其他罪行, or any municipal ordinance violation against a person or against property, 当针对与犯罪者有关系或有约会关系的人,或由家庭或家庭成员针对家庭或家庭成员时. For purpose of this definition:

(1) “Dating relationship” means a social relationship of a romantic nature. In addition to any other factors the court deems relevant, 事实审查员在确定一种关系是否存在或曾经存在时,可以考虑以下因素:

Nature of the relationship, length of time the relationship existed, frequency of interaction between the parties and time since termination of the relationship, if applicable.

(2) “Family or household member” means persons 18 years of age or older who are spouses, former spouses, parents or stepparents and children or stepchildren, and person who are presently residing together or have resided together in the past, 以及有一个共同孩子的人,无论他们是否结婚或在任何时候住在一起. 如果女方怀孕,男方是所谓的父亲,家庭成员也包括一男一女, regardless of whether they have been married or have lived together at any time.

Dating Violence



Kan. Stat. Ann. § 21-5427 provides the following:

Stalking is:

(一)不顾后果地从事针对某一特定人物的行为,使处于该特定人物处境的理智人对该特定人物的安全感到恐惧的, 或者这个人的直系亲属的安全,而目标人实际上处于这种恐惧之中;

(2) Engaging in a course of conduct targeted at a specific person with knowledge that the course of conduct will place the targeted person in fear for such person’s safety or the safety of a member of such person’s immediate family; or

(3) After being served with, 或者以其他方式提供任何禁止与目标人物接触的保护令通知, 不顾后果地从事至少一项第(f)(1)款所列的违反命令规定的行为,并会使一个理智的人对该人的安全感到恐惧, 或者这个人的直系亲属的安全,而目标人物实际上处于这种恐惧之中……

(f) As used in [the definition of stalking]:

(1) “Course of conduct” means two or more acts over a period of time, however short, which evidence a continuity of purpose. 行为过程不应包括受宪法保护的活动,也不应包括为实现独立于与目标人接触的合法目的所必需的行为. A course of conduct shall include, but not be limited to, any of the following acts or a combination thereof:


(B) Following, approaching or confronting the targeted person or a member of such person’s immediate family;

(C) Appearing in close proximity to, or entering the targeted person’s residence, place of employment, school or other place where such person can be found, or the residence, place of employment or school of a member of such person’s immediate family;


(E)在目标人的财产或其直系亲属的财产上放置物品, either directly or through a third person;


(G) Any act of communication;

(2) “Communication” means to impart a message by any method of transmission, including, but not limited to: Telephoning, personally delivering, sending or having delivered, any information or material by written or printed note or letter, package, mail, courier service or electronic transmission, including electronic transmissions generated or communicated via a computer

(3) “Computer” means a programmable, electronic device capable of accepting and processing data; …

(5) “Immediate family” means father, mother, stepparent, child, stepchild, sibling, spouse or grandparent of the targeted person; any person residing in the household of the targeted person; or any person involved in an intimate relationship with the targeted person.”

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