值 和 Characteristics of a Raven

All members of the 本笃会的大学 社区 are Ravens. As Ravens, we embrace our mission to educate within a 社区 of 信仰奖学金

To fulfill our mission, Ravens embody these characteristics which exemplify the key elements of the 本笃会的大学 任务 和 值:

  • 最重要的是, 乌鸦是 将其人化的.
  • 社区: 乌鸦是 collaborative, hospitable, 和 engaged.
  • 信仰: 乌鸦是 信仰ful, steadfast, 和 joyful.
  • 奖学金: 乌鸦是 thoughtful, competent, 和 committed to greatness.


我们相信 in the love of 耶稣基督 和 the 信仰 revealed to, 并由, the Roman Catholic Church. Grow in a relationship with Jesus by using the gifts of 信仰 和 reason to see 和 do things the way God does.

“The love of Christ must come before all else.——《圣·路德. 本尼迪克特21

乌鸦是 将其人化的

将其人化的 Ravens underst和 that everything they have is a gift from God 和 seek to offer it back with good zeal.

值 和 Characteristics


我们相信 in service to the common good, respect for the individual, 善良的友谊, 还有八福. Demonstrate good will, 谦卑, 信任, 问责制, 正义, 诚实, 服从, 和平, 和门徒.

“No one is to pursue what he judges better for himself, 而是, what he judges better for someone else.——《圣·路德. 本尼迪克特72:7

乌鸦是 Collaborative

Collaborative Ravens create a spirit of teamwork.


We pledge to uphold the dignity of every human person from the beginning of life to its natural end. Be open to the multitude of persons in the human family, God’s greatest treasure 和 our greatest resource.

“All guests who present themselves are to be welcomed as Christ.——《圣·路德. 本尼迪克特53:1

乌鸦是 Hospitable

Hospitable Ravens welcome others with authenticity 和 warmth.

我们相信 seeking counsel 和 listening should lead to wise resolution 和 action. Engage all members of the 社区 on important matters so leaders make good decisions.

Listen “with the ear of your heart.——《圣·路德. 本尼迪克特P: 1


Engaged Ravens listen 和 serve the needs of others.

值 和 Characteristics


我们相信 our Ora et Labora cooperates in God’s plan to make all things new. Always be in 谈话n with God through prayer 和 value the dignity of all work 和 human activity.

“That in all things God may be glorified.——《圣·路德. 本尼迪克特57:9


信仰ful Ravens discern God’s will, work hard to accomplish it, 和 courageously defend their beliefs.


我们相信 in a commitment to one’s vocation in a daily rhythm of life following St. 本笃与圣. Scholastica. Develop a balanced way of life 和 love for the people 和 place along with fidelity to its traditions.

“Never swerving from his instructions, we shall through patience share in the sufferings of Christ that we may deserve also to share in his kingdom.——《圣·路德. 本尼迪克特P: 50


Steadfast Ravens can be 信任ed to fulfill their commitments 和 are marked by resiliency, 完整性, 和性格.


我们相信 谈话, a commitment to personal conversion or growth, positively transforms life. Pursue continual self-improvement, seeking the truth each day, joyfully beginning again 和 again, 仰望上帝.

“Your way of acting should be different from the world’s way.——《圣·路德. 本尼迪克特4:20


Joyful Ravens provide a positive witness to the Gospel.

值 和 Characteristics


我们相信 rigorous 奖学金 in the liberal arts, rooted in the monastic tradition, leads to the discovery of truth. Strive for wisdom lived in responsible awareness of oneself, family, society, nature, 和 God.

“We intend to establish a school for the Lord’s service.——《圣·路德. 本尼迪克特P: 45

乌鸦是 Thoughtful

Thoughtful Ravens are lifelong learners who analyze problems, gather appropriate information, 和 make prudent decisions.


我们相信 the Lord God made all things 和 called them good. Care for creation 和 the goods of this place, our time, talent, 和 treasure, as gifts from God.

“More will be expected of those to whom more has been en信任ed.——《圣·路德. 本尼迪克特2

乌鸦是 Competent

Competent Ravens maintain high expectations for themselves, 和 exhibit diligence with the goods 和 duties en信任ed to them.

Excellence through Virtue

我们相信 that a daily discipline 和 practice of virtue leads to learning, freedom, 和 greatness. Personally strive for excellence in all things, practicing cardinal 和 theological virtues until they become habit.

Show “them all that is good 和 holy more by example than by words.——《圣·路德. 本尼迪克特2:12

乌鸦是 Committed to Greatness

Ravens are committed to greatness 和 approach all things with class 和 professionalism, 和 constantly strive for success, 和卓越.