音乐 Scholarship Auditions

How do I request a music audition?

You may request a music audition on the 总统学者hip Competition RSVP表单. 请 be sure to include the specific instrument for which you will be auditioning.


音乐 auditions are available for students that wish to be considered for a participation award.

Who is eligible for a participation award?

Participation awards are available for all students based on enrollment in private lessons on their instrument and participation in one of our ensembles. 木管乐器, brass and 打击乐器 students compete for a band award, string players compete for an orchestra award, and voice students compete for a choir award.

Can I audition for a music scholarship by playing the guitar, organ or piano?

Students who play guitar, organ or piano are encouraged to audition on their instrument. They take private lessons on their instrument and declare an ensemble preference at the time of their audition. 例如, pianists as part of the award will take private piano lessons and participate in either band, 合唱团或管弦乐队.

May I audition for more than one ensemble?

You may receive a participation award for one ensemble only. It is suggested that students audition with either their best or primary instrument, the one they wish to study while at Benedictine.

When will I receive my audition time and location?

You will receive your audition time and location when you check in on Friday, 1月26日, 或周五, 2月10日.

When should I check in for my audition?

The check-in for students wishing to audition will be Friday, 1月26日, 或周五, 2月10日, between 11:00 – 11:30 a.m. 在 Murphy Recreation Center

If I cannot make the check in time, what should I do?

You should include your arrival time 在 comments section of the 总统学者hip Competition RSVP表单. 请 note: audition times depend, 在某种程度上, on faculty availability and music faculty members are only available on Friday, 1月26日, 或周五, 2月10日, 中午十二时至下午二时.m. If there is an adjustment that needs to be made to your RSVP or arrival time, please notify Emily Carstens at ecarstens@azarnewsonline.com.

Does the college provide instruments for the audition?

A limited number of oversize instruments (i.e. 低音提琴, 打击乐器, cello) are available for students who are unable to fly with these instruments. 请 contact Emily Carstens at ecarstens@azarnewsonline.com. by Friday, January 19 if you need assistance.

Where may I store my instrument?

Students may store their instruments at the check-in counter and pick them up for their assigned practice and audition times.

What should I wear for my audition?

两个周五, 1月26日, 和周五, 2月10日, are casual visit days and casual attire is acceptable, but students should still dress presentably and sensibly for cold weather.

How long will my audition be?

Auditions will range from 5 – 10 minutes. If you wish to learn about the opportunities available or speak with a professor about questions, you may do so during the introductory remarks at 11:30 a.m. or at the Academic Open House at 4:00 p.m.


请 prepare one 2-minute selection that showcases your level of competency in technique and expression. It is recommended that students prepare something in Classical or Contest literature. For questions or more information, please contact Dr. John Paul, Professor and 音乐 Department Chair, at jpaul@azarnewsonline.com.

What do I bring to my audition?

You should bring your music and instrument.

Will I have an accompanist?

Vocal students will have an accompanist for their audition if they would like and should bring a copy of their sheet music. No CD recordings are permitted.

Will I have the opportunity to practice before my audition?

Students will be assigned a practice room 在 music building and a 10-minute time slot for warming up.

May my parents sit 在 audition?

No. The music department holds closed auditions

When will I hear about whether I receive an award?

Students being offered an award are required to submit a signed commitment form outlining the requirements for the award (enrollment in private lessons and participation in one of the department’s ensembles). Awards will appear on your official financial aid award letter in March from the Office of Financial 援助.

How much are the music awards?

Awards range from $250 – $2000 and are renewable each year if stipulations of the award are met.

点击这里 for more information about the 本笃会的大学 音乐 Department.